воскресенье, 26 февраля 2017 г.

Scientific findings indicate that while ‪#‎leucine‬ should definitely be ingested INTRA and POST ‪#‎workout‬ to foster ‪#‎muscle‬ growth - it should not be taken PRE-workout! Why? *Pre-WO consumption of leucine mitigates the conversion of glycogen into glucose within the muscle cell. *Pre-WO intake of leucine can prevent the uptake of the ‪#‎dopamine‬-precursor ‪#‎tyrosine‬ into the brain, causing rapid fatigue.

Scientific findings indicate that while ‪#‎leucine‬ should definitely be ingested INTRA and POST ‪#‎workout‬ to foster ‪#‎muscle‬ growth - it should not be taken PRE-workout! Why? *Pre-WO consumption of leucine mitigates the conversion of glycogen into glucose within the muscle cell. *Pre-WO intake of leucine can prevent the uptake of the ‪#‎dopamine‬-precursor ‪#‎tyrosine‬ into the brain, causing rapid fatigue.

Original article and pictures take https://b-built.net site

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